Thursday, September 19, 2019

Former Janitor Who Struggled With Literacy Now Heads Middle School as Assistant Principal via Atlanta Black Star

Former Janitor Who Struggled With Literacy Now Heads Middle School as Assistant Principal: ‘I Had to Persevere’
Atlanta Black Star: 9.10.2019 by Tanasia Kenney

A Louisiana woman who once cleaned schools and bused students across Baton Rouge is now sharing her story of perseverance after kicking off her second year as an assistant principal.

Pam Talbert said her journey has been nothing short of “a miracle.”

“Miracles happen, and you’re looking at a miracle,” she told local station WBRZ. “I’m so blessed to be here.

Talbert, who co-heads Istrouma Middle School in Baton Rouge, admits her journey has been atypical and far from peachy keen. For one, she was a struggling mom of three with a learning disability that left her unable to read or write.

“I only had a third grade reading level and the reason I knew was they did a diagnostic test,” Talbert told ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “I knew I had a deficiency because [later], I couldn’t help my kids [with homework.]. My strengths were math. I love math.”

The former custodian said it was her children who helped her pick up where the education system fell short, later tutoring her in phonics and other reading basics. There were times she recalled crying in frustration because she couldn’t read the word “bear.”  READ MORE >>

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