Thursday, May 6, 2021

3 Strategies To Engage Shy Adult Learners ▬ ABC Life Literacy Canada

3 Strategies To Engage Shy Adult Learners


ABC Life Literacy Canada: 4.14.2021

Children aren’t the only ones who sometimes lack the confidence to engage in class. Many adult students are also hesitant to participate in front of peers. Sometimes, the dread of answering incorrectly can cause some learners to avoid engaging at all.

As a literacy practitioner, you want to see all of your adult learners succeed in their studies, and that involves engagement in class. Here are three strategies to use when trying to engage shy adult learners in your literacy programs.

𝟏 Consider seating arrangements

𝟐 Make it relevant

𝟑 Ask them what they want


To get the most out of your literacy program, adult learners need to engage in class.   READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: fairly difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)

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