Saturday, March 27, 2021

THE READING GAP Documentary ▬ John Corcoran Foundation


John Corcoran Foundation: 1.17.2021

An Open Letter From John Corcoran

My years of passion and advocacy for literacy have great meaning to me. After all these years, I still can't stop advocating and working to change things so other little boys and little girls don't suffer unnecessarily like I did.

Recently I've been involved in planning for this literacy documentary that will include my story.  Having 65% of 4th graders in the US lacking proficiency in literacy is a national shame. We have a superstar line up of experts to interview, tasked with outlining the problem and solution. Educators who have shown the kinds of gains that are possible and former/current struggling readers have committed to participate too. This monumental project has the potential to change the face of literacy in our country and beyond!

We are currently working to raise funds for this film and, along with your moral support, would appreciate any donation to the project if you feel moved to do so. Your enthusiasm, energy, and willingness to help us spread the word about his film would also be greatly appreciated! Together, we can make a significant difference.

Here is a 1 minute video that will give you a glimpse of the work of Nick Nanton, the film's superstar Emmy award winning director and producer.  WATCH 03:37

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: fairly difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)


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