Saturday, January 23, 2021

Apps for Older Struggling Readers and Writers ▬ Literacy Nest

Apps for Older Struggling Readers and Writers

Reading & Writing
Literacy Nest: Mar 2020

Do you have an older, struggling reader or writer? Here are some useful APPS for older struggling readers and writers.

As your students become older and the demands on them in the classroom increase.  The role of technology moves from a tool for practice and skill reinforcement, to that of assistive technology. Assistive technology is a tool to assist your students in completing grade-level expectations and allowing them to share their knowledge without being hindered by their reading and writing challenges. Assistive technology can take many forms, but the primary goal is to create a level playing field for those with language-based reading disabilities. Fortunately, today’s digital natives are fast learners when it comes to technology.

While assistive technology can help your students show their knowledge, it is not a substitute for explicit instruction by a highly trained professional. Students still need to be explicitly taught about spelling, morphology and phonics.  READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: fairly difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)

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