Monday, May 4, 2020

Penned By A Prisoner – Daily Writing Challenge via Reading Agency

Penned By A Prisoner – Daily Writing Challenge: 1-10

Budding writer or got something to say?

#PennedByAPrisoner is a writing project that helps you stay in touch with the community outside. It gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts, stories and poems with the world beyond the prison walls.

To take part in the Penned By A Prisoner daily writing challenge, set aside time each day to write and follow the themes below. All you need is a pen, paper and imagination!

Day 1: Theme: Space
1:A continuous area or expanse which is free, available or unoccupied.
2: The physical universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere i.e. outer space!

Writing tips: How do you find mental space? Perhaps you enjoy meditation, reading or yoga? Maybe you escape into a book? Write about your favourite ways to relax.

If you like creative writing, tell a story or write a poem based in outer space!

Day 2: Theme: Journeys
Definition: To travel somewhere, either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Writing tips: What journeys have you taken? Perhaps it is a personal journey of change, or maybe you’ve taken a musical journey – has your taste in music changed or developed over your lifetime? Who are the artists and bands that everyone should listen to and why?

If you like creative writing, tell a story or write a poem about a journey to the shops that turns into an adventure!

Day 3 Theme: Identity
Definition: The characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is.

Writing tips: What are the elements that make you ‘you’? Do you like certain foods or sports teams? Is it based on your appearance or where you grew up? What makes you feel that you belong and are a part of a community?

If you like creative writing, tell a story or write a poem about a case of mistaken identity!

Daily Writing Challenge: 11-20
Daily Writing Challenge: 21-30
Drawing Challenge 1
Drawing Challenge 2
Reading Ahead for Prisons during Covid-19 Toolkit

Based on (7) readability formulas:
Grade Level: 7
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 11-13 yrs. Old
(Sixth and Seventh graders)

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