Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Salvage Your Fundraising Event During the COVID 19 Crisis via Get Fully Funded:

How to Salvage Your Fundraising Event During the COVID 19 Crisis
Get Fully Funded: 3.20.2020 by Sandy Rees

Should you cancel your fundraising event?

Probably so.

It doesn’t matter if you have put sterilization practices into place or your caterer assures you everything will be fine.

For the good of your community’s health, cancel your event. It’s the socially responsible thing to do.

Even though your event funds a huge chunk of your budget, you’ll look foolish if you hold your event when everyone else in town is cancelling theirs for the sake of their supporters.

Plus, if you’re in a state where the governor has closed restaurants or recommended cancelling gatherings of more than 25 people, you’ll look like the money-grubbing charity that no one wants to support.

And, most people will not attend your event anyway out of concern for their own health and safety.

Ideas for salvaging your fundraising event

How to salvage your fundrasing [sic] event will largely depend on the type of event you were planning.

Here, we’ll cover the most common events and how to land on your feet.

Dinner Gala: There are a couple of ways you can try to recover from cancelling a dinner gala.

Create a virtual gala in small groups. Have your table captains invite their table members over to their home for dinner and charge the same amount for tickets

Create a solo dining virtual gala. Have food delivered to your gala participants’ doors and host a Facebook Live for people to watch while they eat.

Use a Cancellation Appeal. Ditch the whole idea and share a very honest announcement about how this is going to impact your organization.


Create a virtual walk/run where participants collect pledges and complete the physical challenge at home.

Create a non-run. Ask participants to raise funds and send in their entry fee, and they will still receive the event t-shirt, prizes, etc., just as if it were a live event

Auctions: One of the easiest events to convert to a virtual event is an auction.

Raffles: Raffles can easily be done exclusively online. Simply assign ticket numbers to each purchaser and ask them to keep your email as a record of their ticket numbers

Replace your fundraising event

Another approach you can take is to cancel the original event and replace it with something entirely different. Here are some ideas.

These may not have been in your original fundraising plan, but they are low-effort ways to reach your audience. Host a talent competition, a dance contest, an art contest, a short video contest, a photo competition, an essay challenge, or anything else you can think of.

A Live Donation Drive/Telethon
No, you haven’t stepped back 30 years. A telethon can still be a great way to raise money.

Conduct a monthly giving drive
This is a GREAT time to start a grow a monthly giving program.  READ MORE ➤➤

Based on (7) readability formulas:
Grade Level: 9
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 13-15 yrs. Old
(Eighth and Ninth graders)

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