Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Economic Case For Supporting Libraries via Book Riot

The Economic Case For Supporting Libraries
Book Riot: 11.06.2019 by Christine Ro

Here at Book Riot, we’re well aware of the many benefits of libraries. We’ve written, for instance, about how libraries:

Of course promote literacy, including by sharing tips with parents
Provide a sanctuary
Improve educational outcomes
Create community spaces
Provide a wealth of digital materials . . .
Preserve local history and culture
Champion diversity . . .
Open gateways to possible careers and lifestyles, including for future authors

Overall, the Public Libraries report claims that each £1 invested in a local library service has an economic return of £5–7. The similar return on investment is £3.89–5.48 in the U.S. and over £4 in New Zealand.

It will be impossible to quantify every advantage libraries offer to their communities. But Public Libraries: The Case for Support and similar research shows that these advantages are evidence-backed and undeniable. This is especially useful when calling on policymakers to commit funding in order to maintain and develop libraries.  READ MORE >>

2018: From Awareness to Funding: Voter Perceptions & Support . . ., OCLC
2017: Library & Literacy Funding Chart: FY 2017 -by President, House, and
Senate, ALA (excel file)
2011: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study, ALA
2008: From Awareness to Funding: A Study of Library Support in America, OCLC
2007: Worth Their Weight: Assessment . . . Library Valuation, Americans for Libraries Council

Return On Investment - ROI

Library Funding Map, EveryLibrary
Economic Impact of Public Libraries (various ROIs), WI Dept Public Instruction
Libraries Matter: Impact Research: Bibliography, ALA
Public Libraries – A Wise Investment - Library Research Service

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