Tuesday, September 25, 2018

15 Banned Books and Their Reasons for Censorship via Invaluable

15 Banned Books and Their Reasons for Censorship
Invaluable:  2.12.2018

There are many different reasons an institution will ban a book. The magic in a fantasy novel can be construed as anti-religious, or the language in a novel can be considered too mature for younger audiences. No matter the reason, banned books intrigue audiences and tempt readers as soon as they are restricted.

Before a book can be banned, it first is challenged. A book challenge occurs when someone attempts to remove or restrict a piece of literature based on various objections. The book doesn’t become banned until it is removed from a curriculum or library. This means that free access to the book is no longer available in the designated institution, or in more extreme cases, prohibited by law; however, while books are challenged regularly, only about 10% of books that are challenged are actually banned.

Banning books has many negative consequences, as the practice restricts access to significant works. Often books are challenged with good intentions, but according to the Free Access to Libraries for Minors, the decision about what is mature is the responsibility of the parents, not the institution.

The top banned books by genre: children’s books, young adult, science-fiction, and literary classics.  READ MORE >>

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