Thursday, January 18, 2018

Essential Tips for Reaching Out to Potential Donors via ASU Lodestar

Essential Tips for Reaching Out to Potential Donors
Lodestar ASU: 1.16.2018 by Chris Giarratana

Working for nonprofit organizations comes along with many exciting things. It’s one of the few jobs that can keep you motivated especially because you’re making a difference in people’s lives. However, the job has its challenges as well, and one of them is reaching out to potential donors.

Raising funds or getting potential donors’ attention can be one of the most exhausting or perhaps discouraging situations faced by many nonprofit marketers. This may be caused by lack of enough resources, budget, or time.
1. Build A Strong Social Media Community
As a non-profit marketer, building a social media platform with followers who believe and support your job is quite imperative.

If you use Facebook, it helps a lot to include a “Donate Now” tab on your Facebook page to make it easier for people to donate. When the potential donors click the tab, they should be directed to the donation site. For Twitter, you may run a contest such as a person who likes a tweet first or retweet it would get a reward such as a t-shirt. This will increase your followers.

2. Use Compelling Images
Use of infographics is one good way which proves to be effective as well as entertaining in presenting the message you want to communicate.

3. Compelling Videos
Even in for-profit businesses, marketers have turned into video ads instead of images as they are more visual.

According to Think With Google, about 57 percent of people donate after watching a video of your nonprofit. READ MORE >>

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