Monday, September 25, 2017

Adult Education and Family Literacy Week

Adult Education and Family Literacy Week

36 MILLION ADULTS in the United States struggle with basic academic skills, making it difficult to function effectively as workers, parents, citizens, and consumers in today’s society.

Adult literacy intersects with almost every socioeconomic issue—parenting, health, workforce development, and poverty.  To address these issues effectively, we must invest in educating parents and workers. Adult education helps break the cycles of intergenerational illiteracy and poverty by giving adults the skills they need to be successful as workers and parents.  The value of adult low literacy to our economy in additional wages and the reduction in costs for public support programs is estimated at more than $200 billion per year. Increasing adults’ level of education is a sound investment. Yet, public funding of adult education has declined over the last 15 years. Most adult education programs have long student waiting lists. They are able to serve only a fraction of adults who need services.

Low literacy has an adverse effect on the employability and earnings of American adults. The widening “skills gap” continues to have an increasing impact on income inequality. Adults without a high school diploma are more than twice as likely to be unemployed, working in low-wage jobs, living in poverty, and relying on government aid programs as those with higher levels of education.   READ MORE @

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