Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Literacy – Spanning the US :: Leesburg VA :: Modesto CA:: Bath Maine

Literacy: Spanning the US

Loudoun Literacy Council Kicks Off 40th Year with New Pricing, Logo
LoudounNow: 12.13.2019

The Loudoun Literacy Council is beginning its 40th Anniversary celebration a little early by unveiling a new 40th-year logo and special pricing for adult English for Speakers of Other Languages classes.

The organization began its operations as the only non-denominational literacy povider in Loudoun County in 1980, and in 2020 marks its official 40th Anniversary. Beginning with the January registration for five levels of adult classes throughout the county, Loudoun Literacy Council will charge $40 per 12-week session (two instructional hours per week.)

“Loudoun Literacy Council has been changing lives and promoting personal growth and empowerment since 1980 and has always been flexible in pricing, because we believe so strongly in helping those who want to strengthen their English-language skills so they can become more active members of Loudoun County,” said Chairwoman Margaret Brown.  READ MORE >>

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LearningQuest literacy Center Programs Draw Kids Into Helping Parents’ ESL Progress
Modesto Bee: 12.15.2019 by Deke Farrow

Eisenhut Elementary School fifth-grader Jeanette Cisneros has a straightforward way of helping her mom, Rosa, improve her English language skills.

“Sometimes I don’t understand some Spanish, so I just tell her, ‘Speak English,’ and that helps her,” the child said. Her blunt comment drew laughs from her mom and Karen Williams, executive director of LearningQuest-Stanislaus Literacy Centers, as the three sat at a cafeteria at the north Modesto school one recent evening.

Every occasion to speak English does help Rosa Cisneros, who more than 15 years ago immigrated to the U.S. from Peru with her parents and little brother. Just 15 then, she was thrust into high school, where she struggled to improve her language skills.

“It was really hard for me,” she said as she waited for her LearningQuest ESL night class to begin at Eisenhut, and Jeanette and her brother, Daniel, took part in the Kids Club offered for children of the English-as-a-second-language students. “But with the passage of years, I just get a job and my English started coming out.

“Rosa has also participated in our PACT (Parent and Child Together) programs the last two years,” Williams said. “These programs are an additional four weeks a year of demonstrating learning activities parents can do with their children in the home by having parents and their children learning in class together.”  READ MORE >>

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Literacy Volunteers Needed in Midcoast Area for the New Year
Times Record: 12.16.2019

Working closely with the Midcoast New Mainers Support Group and Nsiona Nguizani, the cultural broker for Brunswick, Midcoast Literacy has been enrolling both school-age children and adult new Mainers in their one-on-one tutoring programs and matching them with volunteer tutors. The organization is now providing free tutoring for 16 adults and six children from the asylum-seeking families that relocated to the Bath/Brunswick region just four months ago.

In addition to helping this population of new arrivals, Midcoast Literacy is simultaneously providing tutoring for other adults and children in the region who are learning English or who may simply need help with a variety of literacy skills.

Midcoast Literacy is a non-profit organization based in Bath that has been providing free literacy programs to people of all ages in Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and northern Cumberland counties for nearly 50 years.  READ MORE >>

punctuation marks: 14  words: 138   3+ syllable words: 22

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